Sunday, November 22, 2015

Maybe I have already found it.

Once again I have put my RV plans on hold. Once again I have found that my home is my sanctuary, why can't I just stay home and enjoy it? I still have that traveling wanderlust, but with all the negative news stories, weather disasters and I still have that fear/anxiety of driving long distances... is it such a good idea to spend so much money, go in debt, just to drive an RV around the states? If I had unlimited funds then yes I would do it in a heart beat but there are so many unknowns. Yes, I work from home so I could work from any where but I do have a couple meetings I do have to show up for.
If I do work from the RV I need working internet. I also have my dogs. I could never leave them along in the RV for long periods of time. There are just so many unknown questions.
The questions I did ask myself is, why? Why do I want to travel the US in an RV? To see the sights, yes. See the sky and sunrise and sunsets. To gaze at the stars.
Why can't I do that from my own home? I have a beautiful big yard to do this from.

So for now. I think I will remain home and enjoy my own yard.

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